
Dear users of the open-source tool wiredflow, welcome to the project roadmap page! Here are ideas for upcoming release and functionality that we plan to implement and integrate into the library. If you have any thoughts, you are welcome to follow this guide and offer your vision.

Improvements planned for integration:

Implementing thread synchronization via decorators

Tests implementation and CI/CD

Add linter (PEP8)

Prototype of remote launch

Prepare notebooks

Implement simple metric calculator

SQLite storage integration

Preprocessor customization and unification

Local storages improvements

Log MQTT stop processing

Logging level

Publication: Initial publication

Publication: A publication about using wiredflow MQTT

Publication: ML and wiredflow post

Set schedule in pipelines using time of launch

Retry number in the pipeline

The list above is compiled right after the release of the current library version. It contains either major tasks or tasks that are critical for the development of the framework.

We are also actively fixing bugs, if you find one, please post it via issues section or discussions in the repository.